DIY Infinity Scarf from pajama pants

17 Jan

Yes. You read that right. 

Why buy a scarf for about $20 when you can make your own for free – or very nearly free? I am sure you’ve seen some version of this, but since my mom and I changed up the directions we were following, I thought I’d  give you a nice little tutorial! =) 

I have had a super cute pair of pajama pants for a couple years now , but i never wore them. They were too baggy and had a white background which means, well. you know – unders can be seen. And that’s not attractive. EVER. Even at home in your jammies. So – I decided to change them over to a scarf!

Step 1: Lay  them out  and cut along the inseam of each leg. 



Step 2: Then open each leg up and lay on top of each other  with wrong side out, in order to cut the legs off at the top inseam ( you are cutting off the pockets and waist off )



Step 3: Cut each side straight up from the hem line to the top. I was lucky that my mom has a cool disappearing ink pen that we were  able to draw a line for me to (actually) cut straight. ahem. Then cut the hem off! This is what it should look like now :


sorry it’s a little blurry…

step 4: With wrong side out still, pin one end to sew the two pieces of fabric together to form one long strip of fabric. Now, because my fabric ended up being too short I went and bought some dark blue flannel (about 1/2 yard). Wash and dry your fabric to make sure it shrinks before you sew your project. Then pin one end of the ‘extra’ fabric to the original piece wrong side out. And sew!





Step 5: lay out long-wise and iron one end of the fabric in order to create an easy hem line and pin longwise.. Sew , making sure to sew down the edges of the ironed end. It will help in the next step, trust me! (sorry there’s no pictures! I spaced taking any more! oops!)

Step 6 : Pull right side out. Freak out at how cute your infinity scarf is becoming. Slip the unironed end inside the ironed side. See how once you sew them together you have a nice folded edge? Yep. It’s that easy. Pin. Sew close to the edge of the ironed side. Trim any dangling threads and try it on! =) 


I am excited that I can wear it two ways – just wrapped around once and loose or ….


wrapped around another time and up for more of a warm-scarf-while-wearing-a-coat-ness! I’m super excited that I was able to actually make this! I love sewing but do not do it very often (as my sewing machine is in storage!) so Eek! so proud of myself. 

Stay warm friends and happy sewing! 



5 Responses to “DIY Infinity Scarf from pajama pants”

  1. Genevieve January 18, 2014 at 12:53 am #

    Aaak! This is SO cute! I love it so much. Good job!



  2. Maryann January 18, 2014 at 8:04 pm #



  3. Darlene January 20, 2014 at 12:24 am #

    Looks way better in your photos, guess it’s the beautiful woman it’s attached to………..
    I had fun helping you figure out the changes and you did a great job.


    • booksnbakery January 20, 2014 at 1:21 am #

      ah thanks! I’m feeling inspired to do more sewing projects now!



  1. A New Series Starts Monday!!! | thestartofagoodlife - January 10, 2015

    […] DIY Infinity Scarf from pajama pants […]


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Ilse Davison

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