Tag Archives: christian life

Sept 2017 Book Review

29 Sep

I don’t have a lot to share with you this month since my to-read list is longer than my just-read list! Ha.



Spindle’s End  by Robin Mckinley – On her name-day, Princess Briar-Rose is cursed by Pernicia to one day prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and fall into a never-ending sleep. But Katriona, a young fairy, kidnaps her in order to save her from her fate. She takes the princess to her small village and there, her aunt and her raise Briar-Rose where no one knows her true identity. But Pernicia won’t easily give up the chance to exact revenge for a defeat over four hundred years old.

~I first read this in 2015 and have to say that I enjoyed it even more this second time. The world-detail that bothered me last time didn’t even phase me. I’m not sure if that’s because I’ve been reading more fantasy since then or just because..well, I’ve already read it. Perhaps a little of both, eh? Either way, this book has shot to the top ten of my favorite ‘fantasy’ books – right under Mckinley’s Beauty  and Sanderson’s Elantris and Mistborn.


The English Garden Series – The Visitor and The Pursuit by Lori Wick – Set in the early 1800s in England, this series has a delightful ‘Austen’ feel that I love.

~click here to see my separate, full review.

The Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie OMartian – Worrying about your marriage isn’t going to do anything, but praying about it can change everything! This book is set up in a prayer-a-day format with stories from real-life and verses that go with the topic. Some of the topics are: his spiritual walk, his health, his roles as father/leader/etc, his emotions.

~ I knew I needed to get back into the habit of praying for my OH (and our marriage) so I pulled this off the shelf again and am glad that I did. I have marked the prayers that I felt were especially relevant for him and us and have plans to go back over them regularly. I reviewed this here a few years ago as well.

Currently Reading:

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte (how have I not finished this yet? I’ll tell you. my copy was printed in the 1800’s so I won’t read it while: eating, bathing, outside with the puppy playing in the water, etc….)

Stepping Heavenward by Mrs. E. Prentiss

Jewish Roots by Dan Juster


On my To-Read Next List:

Beside Still Waters by AnnaLee Conti

Collected Poems of Henry Thoreau

Pillar of Fire – Rev. J. H. Ingraham (printed 1864)

Samantha Among the Brethren by Josiah Allen’s Wife (printed 1892)

Brandon Sanderson books from library


~While covering different genres, I do not read anything that has blatant sexual content. I will tell you if there is any sort of such (typically very mild and delicately put) in them and if I don’t think they’d be appropriate for young/teenage readers.~

What have you been reading? 







Book Review – Boundaries

Book Review – When God Doesn’t Fix it

27 Jul

Hello friends! I have been wanting to write this review for a few weeks now – maybe longer? –  it is such a great book and I highly recommend it! (there you go, now you know, you don’t even have to read the rest of this post, haha!)


But seriously, When God Doesn’t Fix It by Laura Story is one of those rare books that doesn’t focus on ‘if only your faith were stronger’ or ‘God is distant and doesn’t care for our day to day’ books (yes, I’ve read both of those type of ‘help’ books and I’m sure you have too!) Instead, she shares her trials and what she’s learned along the way – that despite our flaws and hard stories, God can still use us in extraordinary ways. If we remain faithful and willing.

Here are a few sections that stood out to me :

in reference to John 9, “Neither the man’s nor his parent’s sin caused the blindness. . . Imagine the deep sense of relief the blind man must have had to hear that… Jesus wanted the disciples, the blind man and the religious leaders listening to know that it wasn’t one person’s specific sin that caused this man’s hopeless situation… Jesus was clear that neither this man’s nor his parent’s sin caused his blindness. But neither did God cause it.” (page 138/139) 

This section right here made me sigh in such relief. FINALLY. Finally someone who doesn’t teach that physical sickness is because your relationship with God isn’t right. I can’t believe how many times over the years I’ve been told that. I will avoid getting on my ‘soap box’ about it but let’s just say that it’s not Biblically accurate and leave it there. (although, I encourage you to study more about this topic.) Really, she sold me completely when I read this section. I’d been holding my breath just waiting for this topic to come up.

The Bible is a book of broken stories and of sinful behaviors that cry out for redemption. That’s why the entire story of the Bible points to a Redeemer. And that Redeemer isn’t Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Peter, Paul or even Mary. The entire Bible points to Jesus as the Redeemer – our Redeemer.”  (page 186)

I really liked this chapter. We all know the heroes of the Bible aren’t perfect but how she explains why God uses their stories to teach us is so wonderful.

What if David hadn’t been willing to write his story? Consider how different our faith would look if David’s story, both the highlights and the lowlights, had never appeared in the Bible. Think of how often we turn to the Psalms for comfort. What if David’s psalms were missing?”  (page 193)

She’s talking about being willing to share our story -even when we haven’t reached the happily-ever-after yet. When we are still in the ‘lowlights’ as she calls them. This point of David never sharing his story hit home for me. I have Psalms highlighted in my Bible from high school ( I no longer write in my Bible, but I did back then!) and have taken so much comfort from them – what if they weren’t there?!

I hope this quick review encourages you to go out and snag a copy of this book for yourself! And then, go ahead and share it with someone you think might gain from it. That’s how I got to read it, my sister in law let me borrow it (thanks sis!).


A Musing Maverick

Ilse Davison

Elaine Howlin Studio

lost in the pages of books

1 Write Way

Places where you can find my writing, knitting, photographs, and cat collection.

Beneath the Raindrops

a journey within a state of grace