Treasured Memories

17 Nov

I woke up this morning with two completely unrelated thoughts. The first was trying to figure out why, in my dream, my OH was trying to make me iron clothes when I was sick (for those of you that don’t know, I only iron maybe twice a year….and that’s only when necessary).

Treasured Memories

And the other thought was that I miss my grandparents and great aunt so much that it almost hurts. They have all three been gone for several years, but at every new bend in the road that I walk, I find I miss them more. I miss my Auntie Opal with her gentle smile and comforting presence. I miss my grandma with her laugh and wealth of knowledge. I miss my grandpa with his twinkling eyes and helping hands. So easily I can see them each as they were when I was young and visiting them in Antelope Or, or at the property that my parents’ now own. Sadly, I don’t remember doing much with my Auntie Opal, other than just simply spending time with her – meals, quiet evenings listening to my uncle’s Elvis records and always being content to be near her. I remember going to my grandma’s house for a meal one time, and that was when I learned I didn’t like buttermilk. But I drank it – for her. I remember washing dishes and planting flowers with my grandpa. I remember how much he loved my grandma – his pet name for her, the way his eyes lit up when he teased her. They were a match, he and her.

My heart aches that my OH will never meet any of them.  He will never know how truly special each one of them were. Words won’t fully describe how each will live on in my heart, and how I cherish the memories I have.

I love you, Grandpa, Grandma and Auntie Opal.

(And Dad and Aunt M, if you read this, I’m sorry if I made you cry.)


6 Responses to “Treasured Memories”

  1. Rose L. November 17, 2014 at 10:44 pm #

    Memories are such a treasure and I am happy to have them. I lost my husband 2 years ago and the memories are the gold in my life. I also remember my “unique” grandmother who would tell fortunes and read tarot cards, my cousin who was like a brother to me, my grandpa who was such a funny man, and my uncle who was also funny and unique–he
    would play spoons! The gold in our lives is in our hearts.


    • booksnbakery November 20, 2014 at 3:56 pm #

      Thank you for sharing some of your memories, Rose! I love how you stated that ‘ the gold in our lives is in our hearts’. i just might have to use that quote.


  2. Maryann November 19, 2014 at 9:30 pm #

    That was very sweet, Laura, and Yes, I did come very close to shedding a tear! But no need to apologize, as your picture said, memories are treasures. I like that metaphor. So thanks for reminding me of my treasures! Just today I said to Don, “I’m sorry Momma never got to be on Pinterest! She would have loved it!” She loved to collect “ideas”. (Whether she ever got around to “doing” them or not!) And speaking of Grandpa, my Daddy, and the flowers, you might like to know that one of his favorite flowers was sweet peas, and also that he did NOT care for iris! And as far as he was concerned most any flower was a “daffodil” (or did he call them “daffydils”?) He also like dandy lions! (Is that how it’s spelled? I don’t think I’ve ever written down that flower name before!)


    • booksnbakery November 20, 2014 at 4:00 pm #

      thank you thank you for sharing those thoughts of them! and i’ve thought that about Pinterest and Grandma…. it is the ultimate crafting scrapbook. =)


  3. Amanda November 21, 2014 at 8:52 am #

    I loved that Laura and it did make me cry. I miss them too but we have the hope that our other halves and children (I wish my children could know them) will all be together some day. I remember Aunt Opal would play amazing grace on the (your) piano and I would sing. When I hear that song it reminds me of her and that we have hope “The earth shall soon dissolve like snow the sun forbear to shine, but he who called me…….will be forever mine!” I think that is pretty cool. Grandma and Grandpa will come to mind from time to time too; for instance I wish I could always have 1/2 and 1/2 on my cereal or when I see Oprah I can hear “turn that garbage off.” It’s funny how smells or the scar on my foot can remind me of them ( oh I got it falling out of the tree). Anyway I try to remember as much as I can because forgetting would be a far greater loss to me. The loss we have experienced here, for us we know it will not be eternal. Much love, Amanda


    • booksnbakery November 26, 2014 at 12:43 pm #

      thank you for sharing your memories of them with me! i forgot about Grandma not liking Oprah, but I heard it in her voice when reading those words. I don’t remember ever seeing Auntie Opal playing the piano. It makes me want to go through all those old photos at mom and dad’s…


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