Tag Archives: goodreads

How to be a Professional Procrastinator

21 Aug

Seriously ladies, I am a procrastinator. With a capital P. I learned this from my dear mom ( you know it’s true mom) and it has ‘helped’ me along through college and now, as a stay at home wifey. I love finding lists of ways to be more productive, telling myself that I really will try some of them out and be better at getting things done in a timely fashion. But well, I never get around to it. So today, I  thought I would share a list of my own on how to waste time.=) 

how to be a professional procrastinato

take a nap. every day.

find an addicting video game on your smart phone. play obsessively.

find another game to play when you’re bored with the first one. 

over-request books from the library – get them all within a week – read constantly.

Watch favorite tv shows on Netflix.

Get lost searching new recipes on Pinterest. For hours.

Spend a few hours reading blogs.

Go to Portland with your OH (other half) every other week.

Go visit your mom.

Stare sadly into your mostly-empty fridge.

Make well- intentioned to-do lists.

Check your mailbox – at least twice each day. 

update reading status on Goodreads.com

Play with photos on picmonkey.com

Organize photoon Dropbox.

Play with your dog. If you don’t have one – get one.

Take another nap. 

Hopefully this helps you get into the oh-so-fulfilling life of the professional procrastinator. If not, there’s no hope for you. =)

What are your favorite ways to waste time?? Or,  what’s your best time-saving tip? 

A Musing Maverick

Ilse Davison

Elaine Howlin Studio

lost in the pages of books

1 Write Way

Places where you can find my writing, knitting, photographs, and cat collection.

Beneath the Raindrops

a journey within a state of grace