Series Review – Guardians of Childhood

25 Aug

The Guardians of Childhood books by William Joyce are absolutely delightful. I got three of them from the library recently – The Man in the Moon, Sandman and Jack Frost. I was disappointed not to be able to get the others but these were so delightful. I got to read them to my ‘mini me’ while she was visiting and we thoroughly enjoyed them.


I couldn’t wait to share them with you! I adore the art style used – the details and whimsy encourage you to take your time on each page.


Man in the Moon – If you ever wondered where the man in the moon came from, this is his origin story. He used to be a child, just like you! But a battle strands him on the moon, without his parents or his faithful guardian, Nightlight.  Eventually, a quest sends him on to being the first guardian of childhood.


The Sandman-  When the Man in the Moon realizes that he needs someone to help watch over the children when the moon is hidden, he chooses Sanderson Mansnoozie to keep the nightmares away from the children. But Sanderson has never had a nightmare, how can Man in Moon convince him how important this is to every child’s happy-being?

“I will watch over the children of the earth,Guide them safely from ways of harm, Keep happy their hearts, brave their souls, and rosy their cheeks. I will guard with my life their hopes and dreams, For they are all that I have, all that I am, and all that I will ever be.”

~Guardians oath~


Jack Frost – After protecting Man in Moon, Nightlight was thrown to earth, stuck in time as a boy. He wanders the world, spreading his freeze everywhere where he earns the name Jack Overland Frost. Then, one day, Man in Moon shows him that bringing cheer to kids brings warmth to him as well.  And when he realizes that there will always be children that need a snow day, he knows he should be one of the Guardians of Childhood.


If you’re looking for an enchanting children’s series, I highly recommend you check these out. Also, a movie was based off of this series and it is one of my favorite animated films – Rise of the Guardians. Check out the trailer!

3 Responses to “Series Review – Guardians of Childhood”

  1. m August 25, 2017 at 9:01 pm #

    Thanks for the recommendations! They sound fun!



  1. Book Review – August 2017 | the start of a good life - September 1, 2017

    […] Series Review – Guardians of Childhood […]


  2. My Top Reads of 2017 | the start of a good life - December 29, 2017

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