What to get the Chronic Pain Sufferer in your life

20 Nov

what to get the chronic pain sufferer in your life

It is ironic that I decided to write this today. I have spent all day on the couch, in severe pain. I even called my doctor asking for a prescription pain killer – which is completely unlike me. But, the idea for this came a few weeks ago when I was seeing all sorts of gift guides for the gardener, the at-home-chef, the beer lover, the crafter, etc etc. I decided what we needed was a gift guide for the chroni pain-er. hehe. just going with the flow of wording there, folks.

Some of these ideas can get pretty expensive, but I wanted to add them as well, because they really are great! I hope this gives your Christmas shopping list a bit of help! I am seeing some fantastic gift basket combinations while reading this list. Of course, these would be great for birthdays or ‘just because’ gifts as well.

calming essential oils

lavendar scented candles

eye pillows – i have so many of these and they are great!

bottle of excedrin (or their preferred pain killer)

gift certificates for the chiropractor or a massage

music (itunes, cds etc)

hoodie pillow

offers of help to go grocery shopping or do laundry

freezer meals


comfy pajamas

book to read

cozy blanket

neck pillow – i have this specific one, and love it

Please tell me if you have any items to add to this list! I’d love to include more ideas!

2 Responses to “What to get the Chronic Pain Sufferer in your life”

  1. Niamh Osborne November 21, 2014 at 12:14 am #

    Great post & great gift ideas! Calming natural & organic tea is something that I have found good to give & receive. Like the sound of a hoodie pillow!


    • booksnbakery November 22, 2014 at 8:33 am #

      i LOVE getting and giving teas!! it’s happiness in a mug. doesn’t that pillow sound great?? I really want one now =)


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Ilse Davison

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