Late Night Thoughts

6 May

Thoughts are swirling tonight as I realize – yet again – that my plans are not God’s plans.  Had these last ten years gone according to my dreams I would have several degrees, a profitable career of my own business and children. Instead God chose to have me learn leaning on Him through physical trials- through college,  work and even my wedding day.  While I don’t understand completely why He chose  this way of teaching me, I trust that His plans are better than my own.  So, while part of me wants to have a bit of a pity party that I am not able to accomplish all I wanted to, I will focus on the blessings that I have been given.

So,  all this to say that I am a bit sad tonight – a large part of that due to my hip sending pain down my leg and sharp pain in my temples making themselves well known- and felt the need to write a bit.  Reminding myself that my God is bigger than my disappointed hopes, unrealized dreams and  broken body.  Reminding myself that I am an incredibly blessed child of the King. Good night, friends, I am off to read more of a Dee Henderson novel and then – hopefully- sleep. – Laura

5 Responses to “Late Night Thoughts”

  1. kheisen May 7, 2014 at 12:28 pm #

    Poor Lolo. Just remember it’s always darkest before the dawn


  2. Reviews 411 June 26, 2014 at 4:00 pm #

    Keep your head up… it can’t rain all the time!

    – Andrea 🙂


  3. Natalie June 26, 2014 at 9:45 pm #

    Praying for you! Things will turn around before you know it, and while they’re in a dry patch try to count your blessings. It helps me stay positive when my life gets bumpy and sad. “Reminding myself that my God is bigger than my disappointed hopes, unrealized dreams and broken body.” what a great, encouraging thought!


    • booksnbakery June 27, 2014 at 11:08 pm #

      Thank you! I am doing better-mostly- lately but still think of enter I had always hoped to be by my age. Thanks for the quote – I think I’ll put it up in my house to see it every day


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Ilse Davison

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